Woots !
I gonna update my blog again
Final Quiz today
Quite satisfied with it
Just get trouble when lecturer ask me
" Quick quick quick "
Cause my brain still processing for a nicer answer
So everything for the 60% are done
Now left 40% to go !
My final
I gonna score you !
Oh yeah yeah
Today malaysian student are required to stay back
for something on
I thought what's that
Oh , it was awesome !
I was very excited when heard the news
But I am unable to do so
Study trip to LONDON
I Want to go !
It's amazing right ?

Here's the lists
Woah ~ Not bad
I want I want !
I'm poor =S
So I cannot go
Who wants to sponsored me ? Hahaha
Daddy mummy
Can you ?
Please ...
Hahah kidding ny
I'm a very understanding girl
I don't want add on my parents's burden anymore
Anywhere I could have a nice holiday in my country as well